Dominic Hogg

Eunomia (Great Britain), Founder and President

Dominic Hogg

Eunomia (Great Britain), Founder and President

About the speaker

Dr Dominic Hogg is Chairman of Eunomia Research & Consulting, the company he founded in 2001. He has worked in the environmental field for over 25 years as a campaigner, researcher and consultant. With an honours degree in physics from the University of Oxford, and a PhD on the economics of technological change from the University of Cambridge, he has undertaken a wide range of cross disciplinary projects related to waste and resources policy for (amongst others) governments, WRAP, European Commission and OECD.

He recently led work for DG Environment on the reviewing the waste framework directives (which informed the abandoned ‘Circular Economy package’), and informing the development of a Route Map to the Circular Economy for London (Greater London Assembly). He is currently working for DG Environment assessing waste targets and undertaking a fiscal reform study for EU-28.

In addition to his role at Eunomia, he is also Chair of the Board of the West of England Nature Partnership, has acted as technical advisor to two House of Commons committee inquiries into waste management and has given numerous talks and presentations on the Circular Economy both in the UK and Europe.


Economic growth and new jobs

11:00 - 11:30