Zero Waste Cities calculator
What are the potential savings?
Please enter some basic data about your city:
Select the country if you wish to improve the cost comparisons:

The data you submit through this form will be used to calculate potential savings through comparable scenarios and suggest further action for waste management optimization. It will take purchasing power parity into account if you selected a country.
The form contains default values which are 2021 EU-27 averages. You can modify these values in the next few steps.

Municipal solid waste:
kg / year
Waste treatment (total: 100 %):
Cost of waste treatment per ton:
€ / t
€ / t
€ / t
€ / t
€ / t
These default costs don't include offsets for the market value of recyclables.
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Want to get familiar with key principles and myths of the Zero Waste approach, dive into case studies or learn through site visits? Explore the Zero Waste Cities website for that and more!

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This calculator was developed by Ekologi brez meja during the Creating zero waste methodology for municipalities Erasmus+ project together with Hnutí Duha and Zero Waste Europe. It was upgraded in 2023 with the support of the European Climate Foundation

Besides Eurostat data, it uses City of London GHG emission figures for different waste treatment options, model city figures from their annual Zero Waste strategy reports and the initial per-ton costs computed from a report by the German Environmental Agency.