
Recordings of the sessions

Day 1


Roundtable with Elizabeta Žust, Joan Crous, Hillary Vick and host Erika Oblak:

Roundtable with Antonino Esposito, Janez Resman, Nina Kosin and host Erika Oblak:

Roundtable with Joris Depuillon, Laura Chatel, Albin Keuc and host Jaka Kranjc:

Day 2

Welcome speeches

Keynote by Paul Connett, ZWIA

Roundtable with Tihana Jelačić, Stojan Jakin, Jože Gregorič, Matteo Francesoni and host Enzo Favoino:

Presentation of waste management in Ljubljana, Mitja Praznik, MOL

Impact of waste management on climate change, Mariel Vilella, ZWE

Reuse and repair networks of WEEE, David Franquesa, eReuse.org

Recycling of plastic waste in paper industry, Francesca Paoli, Selene